historical language of printmaking and its power to disseminate and create social
ontologies that human beings come to inhabit.
This current body of work has developed out of my interests in researching
and diagramming various perceptual and social ontological positions that have in
general been historically abstracted, into unintelligible, empty or monstrous
entities. I try to analyze the consequences of this abstraction of these figures, of
these spaces and of these narratives. In the process of doing so, I also advance in
this work the possibility of new perceptual and social ontological positions by
making a different use of abstraction. I use traditional printmaking techniques
such as copper plate burin, engraving, etchings, woodblock printmaking, lino-cut
printmaking, CMYK offset printmaking, mono-type and experimental methods.
Editor details
Last edited by: Ernest Arthur Bryant
Edit access: Everybody
Editor details
Last edited by: Ernest Arthur Bryant
Edit access: Everybody