GRAPHIC DESIGN Art 369h, Interactive Design
Digital Strategies and Interactive Design. The primary aim of this class is to introduce participants to programming and design thinking for websites. This class will introduce a variety of approaches to digital design and publishing, not only through coding, but also through the use of other tools and theoretical ideas. It will also give a historical and contemporary understanding of the digital landscape. Instruction in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other related software. No prior programming experience required. Materials fee: $150. Prerequisite: ART 132a or b, or permission of the instructor.Editor details
Last edited by: Teto Elsiddique
Edit access: Staff, Faculty
Our first class will begin on Friday, January 20th at 1:30pm in Green Hall 210.
On Friday, I won’t be surprised if it is quite crowded, since in the past this class has been popular. However, if you are truly interested in the class, please come. I will have a survey for you to fill out to gauge your interest and experience.
Please note that I can only take 5–7 undergraduate students. (The other 7 spots are taken by preliminary year graduate students.) The available spots are for those students who have taken both prerequisites: Intro to Graphic Design and Typography 1 (Art 132 and Art 264). Preference is given first to those undergraduates who have these two courses, then to art majors, then to seniors of other majors. Students with special circumstances can speak to me directly. I will be in touch on Sunday via email about the final roster.
For Friday’s first class, I would like you to read the attached PDFs. Please come ready to discuss. They are:
1) “February 8, 2010” and “July 23, 2010” from Post Internet by Gene McHugh
2) “Spirit Surfing” by Kevin Bewersdorf, 2008
3) “Scroll, Skim, Stare” by Orit Gat from The White Review, 2016
Also, if you know someone who is interested in this course, but who didn’t receive this email, please forward on. Thank you!
See you soon,
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Last edited by: Laurel Schwulst
Edit access: Everybody