SCULPTURE Art 110, Sculpture Basics
EDG36 119 T R 3:30-5:20
The concepts of space, form, weight, mass, and design in sculpture are explored and applied through basic techniques of construction and material. Various techniques of gluing and fastening, mass/weight distribution, hanging/mounting, surface/finishing, and types of materials are addressed. In addition to the hands-on application of sculptural techniques, class time is spent looking at various concepts and approaches to the understanding and development of sculptural ideas, from sculpture as a unified object to sculpture as fragmentary process. Selected readings complement the studio work. An introduction and orientation to the wood shop and metal facilities is covered. The shops and the classroom studio are available during days and evenings throughout the week. This course is recommended before advancement into ART 120b, 121b, 122b, or 125a. Enrollment limited to twelve. Lab/materials fee: $150. Sandra Burns
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Last edited by: Teto Elsiddique
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