It was an exceptionally cold day.Editor details
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Mr. Thread had about 10 dollars and a few quarters left in his wallet. He would like to have some soup. He feels his tognue moving as he pictures a delicious hot bowl of tomato soup in his mind. He headed out and walked about the windy street. Passing by two police officers, Mr. Thread began to think about a classmate from middle school he had almost forgotten, Tomato Blob.Editor details
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day 3 / min
Soon, Mr. Thread realized there was nothing much to think about his old classmate, because Mr. Thread almost forgot about him.At the very moment, Mr. Thread arrived at the bank where he saved up his billion dollars. He asked Ms. Kensington, his asset manager to withdraw 1000 dollars for him. “A man should have some cash in his wallet.” Mr. Thread winked to Ms. Kensington. “Do you want me to walk with you to your Limo Mr. Thread?” asked Ms. Kensington. “No. I am walking alone today. Thanks”
He was in a good mood today.
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Day 4 / LanLan
Coming out of the bank, Mr. Thread saw a squirrel. He kneeled down, and talked to her,“Hello Squirrel. Nice cold day today, isn’t it? I just went to the bank and I am stuffed with lots of money. You wanna see?”
Soon Mr. Thread dumped all of his quarter coins in front of the squirrel. There were precisely seven of them, some dirty and black, and some new and shinny. The squirrel stared at the coins from two feet away. How they reminded her of the biscuits she found during that silent night!
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day 5 / min
Meanwhile, in the heaven Angel Spanky was debating whether he would eat more toast with marmalade or not.“So……there are 4 pieces of toast left…which means I already have eaten 12 today….” He closed his eyes, and tried to come up with the conclusion.
“Angel Spanky!! Angel Spanky!!!” His new assistant Reverend Pink was running into Angel Spanky’s bedroom making a horrible scream. “Angel Spanky, you should see this. You should see what Mr. Thread is doing to the squirrel, right now!”
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At the same moment, stepped in another person into the heaven office, Blue Pen, who is Reverend Pink’s primary assistant’s second secretary’s fourth assistant. In other words, he is the mini manager. Deep in his thoughts, Blue Pen did not hear any of the scream because his purpose in coming in today was about his annual vacation off to Earth.Editor details
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day 7 / min
By the way, I hope you didn’t forget about Ms. Kensington. Yes. Mr. Thread’s Asset manager. We need to talk more about her.It was a pretty busy day to her. She might have to stay in the office very late today. Donald, One of her office colleague, who lives in the apartment just across the street form the office, suggested to go his place and cook something very simple and quick for dinner. “Maybe I have some eggs in my refrigerator.” said Donald.
It was when they had just entered his apartment that he asked her something strange.
“How many eggs would you like to eat?”
“How many eggs?” asked back Ms. Kensington.
“Yes?” asked back Donald too
‘I always eat one egg at one time. I have never thought about eating more than one egg… Can we do it? Yes…..why not? OK let’s try something totally new!’ after a long self-debating, she finally answered in a very decisive voice. “Two, please.”
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Blue Pen felt more and more excited as he got closer and closer to earth. It’s been a year since he last been here.He walked about the sky of a famous northern city and suddenly something caught his eye. It was the plate of boiled eggs in Donald’s apartment.
“These eggs that you boiled are so… shinny!” Exclaimed Ms. Kensington to Donald in the room.
“Would you like to have some milk?” asked Donald.
“Yes, half a glass please.”
Donald brought two glasses of milk from the kitchen.
“Wow. The milk you have is so…. white!” Exclaimed again Ms. Kensington. She thought to herself, “This is the strangest food I’ve ever seen.”
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day 9 / min
Blue pen was very interested in their conversation, and enjoying peeping them.
But soon, somebody knocked the door. It was quite annying noise.
“Is someone supposed to come?” asked Ms. Kensington with curiousity. But Donald didn’t answer the question and walked to the door.
When he opened the door, three muscular guys came into his aparment, narcotized Ms. Kensington, grabbed her, and brought her out.
Donald wasn’t even surprised.
Blue Pen was more intrigued. So he decided to follow the three guys.
Nov 15
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With a little threatening, the three guys and Donald managed to take all the cash from the bank where Ms. Kensington worked before midnight. Besides the billions of dollars, they also took a Van Gogh painting, “The Night Cafe”.
“Oh please don’t take that painting.” Begged Ms. Kensington.
“Don’t fool me! This is the stolen painting from the gallery of that… whatever that school’s name was. You cunning bastard!”
“No..!” Cried Ms. Kensington innocently, “We received that painting from a very kind old Asian lady. We promised to keep it for her here.”
“So it was she!”
Nov 16
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day 11 / min
“Yes it was me!”
All of a sudden, an old and tiny asian lady in a white suit showed up and shouted.
“Who the hell are y……..”
Before one of the guy finished his words, the old and tiny lady began shooting a machine gun which is even bigger than her. Donald and three guys couldn’t have time to touch their guns. Blood was everywhere. None of them couldn’t move now. They are all dead.
Nov 16
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Day 12 / LANLAN
Around the same time, a huge thunder storm evade the city. It became bigger and bigger.
“Gulp!” First the small insects were killed.
“Meow!” “Wolf!” Then bigger animals.
“Oh nooo!” Humans are smashed against buildings and the buildings fell apart.
Earth was destroyed.
Nov 18
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day 13 / min
Meanwhile, in the office of Angel Spanky, Angle Spanky was having hard time with god.
“I heard that you just ignored what Reverend Pink had warned you” God was almost yelling at him. Reverend Pink was looking at his feet trying to hide his smile.
“I don’t want to hear any excuse, Angel Spanky! You are fired! Do you have any idea how much I invested on earth?” God went out of the office and slammed the door.
Angel Spanky had nowhere to go. He was sitting on his bed looking at 2 tons of his baggages and sighed. He had to leave this place in 10 minutes.
Nov 20
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day 14/ lanlan
“Headline News! Headline News!”
Came running in Blue Pen, “Earth is destroyed!! Haven’t you seen?”
Surprisingly, God and Reverend Pink were especially calm and unsprised.
“Blue Pen, you should knock before you come into any room.” Smiled God.
Reverend Pink walked towards the window, “What a scene of clouds down there.”
“Is there any way we can save Earth?” asked Blue Pen desperately.
Silence was the only answer God and Reverend Pink offered.
Meanwhile, Angel Spanky has still not heard of this dreadful news. He
was planning to resign to Earth and live a normal mortal life. He got
together a pile of paperwork and was ready to leave Heaven.
posted by min
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day 15 / min
It was an exceptionally windy day in planet Rotoboto.
Angel Spanky - well, now we don’t have to call him Angel Spanky - was walking on a street. He had about 10 Houmps left in his wallet. He had changed his all glorious energy into Houmps in Heaven. He had no such a hope that he might have been able to come back to heaven. He had withdrew a bit, and had transfered the rest of money to a bank in planet Rotomoto.
“At least I am not poor. I might survive on this totally foreign place” said Spanky to himself.
He would like to have some soup and toast. He feels his tongue moving as he pictures a delicious hot bowl of onion soup in his mind.
“La Mer was the best restaurant for onion soup on the earth. I can’t believe that earth doesn’t exist anymore. …Oh… what I have done.”
He was looking back on delightful days with Mr. Thread. “If only he had not left me for that cheesy guy….”
Nov 21
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Day 16 / LANLAN
Everything about planet Rotobot is the same as the planet Earth except three things.
There is no sound on planet Rotobot. Therefore people do not speak in order to communicate their thoughts. They have their own way.
The sun does not set on planet Rotobot because Rotobot is inside a dense galaxie of stars that gave off a lot of light all the time.
There are four types of sexes on planet Rotobot as opposed to two sexes on planet Earth. There is male, female, nomale, and yamale. Relationships on planet Rotobot is a highly complex matter.
Nov 23
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day 17 / min
The more complex a planet is, the more often wars happen. Rotoboto is in a serious world war now although it looks very quiet.
A huge bomb explosions are everywhere. Dr. Holly , the head of The Science Headquarter of Rotomoto World Republic, warned today in Global Broadcast that one more bomb with 476 m/t*ks energy in Rotomoto would destroy the whole Rotomoto.
A lazy yamale general of The National Chemistry Department in Trimoto which is one of Rotoboto’s small country located in T^RU#-Western continental was taking a nap and missed the news. Yhse pushes the button for a bomb experiment, and.
No more Rotomoto.
The only survivors were secret agents group made of 8 people - 2 female agents Fata and Ss, 2 male agents As and Shole, 2 nomale agents Retar and Ded and 2 yamale agents Bas and Tard - who were in the middle of a space flight.
nov 24
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This is a very curious case.Only eight people of planet Rotoboto survived this seemingly accidental disaster; all survivors are from the country’s secret agency group; and exactly two people from each sex remains, which makes it a perfect situation to reproduce and cross-reproduce future generations in the name of pure specimen.
Reverend Pink can not but question that this is a conspiracy of some sort… Yes, a conspiracy by God!!
She helped God in the destruction of Earth and was too naive to think that she knows all that’s on God’s mind.
A sentimentality suddenly came upon her as she hoped that Angel Spanky was still here. He is dead. Everyone is dead. Mr. Thread, Ms. Kensington, the squirrel, the three muscular guys, the old Asian lady, and Angel Spanky…. They are all dead. Planet Earth and planet Rotobot are dead.
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day 19 / min
Meanwhile, in the spaceship near the explosion of Rotoboto, eight lucky people were celebrating their survival.Usually they don’t talk much. Their languages are very laborious. It is basically designed by body movements because there were no sound in Rotoboto. Moreover they had to save their energy until they found another planet.
But they needed something fun though. They chose the most efficient and joyful activity. Sex.
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But soon they realized that they can not have sex because they haven’t found a new planet to land on yet.
The Rotoboto race has an extremely fast reproduction cycle, and their spaceship will get exploded by overpopulation very soon if they start having sex.
All eight survivors quickly started to search for Rotobotoian condoms in their pockets. To their despair, nobody had one. Everyone became very irritated.
Although in the mood for quarell, since communication through gesture is tiresome for the survivors, everyone fell asleep one after another.
It was then that a visitor knocked on the spaceship door.
Nov 27
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