Artist INformation
(1) Katayoun Vaziri (left wall grid), Leslie Smith III (2 corner pieces), Hector Mendoza on the floor(2) Ben Lindquist (left wall), David Antonio Cruz (purple wall painting), Hector Mendoza (all floor and hanging piece) Cuyler Remick (right wall)
(3) Ben Lindquist (left wall), David Antonio Cruz (purple wall painting) Hector Mendoza (floor pieces)
(4) David Antonio Cruz (purple wall painting), Hector Mendoza (floor piece)
(5) David Antonio Cruz
(6) Cuyler Remick (left back wall), Hector Mendoza (floor and hanging pieces), Ben Lindquist (right wall)
(7-9) Hector Mendoza
(10) Ben Lindquist (left wall), Hector Mendoza (hanging and floor piece), David Antonio Cruz (purple wall painting)
(11-15) Ben Lindquist
22) Hector Mendoza (floor and hanging pieces), Cuyler Remick (left and back wall)
(23-25) Hector Mendoza
(26) Hector Mendoza (hanging piece), Cuyler Remick (back wall)
(27) Katayoun Vaziri (left wall grid), Leslie Smith III (4 paintings), Hector Mendoza (floor chair piece), Kate Mangold (floor ball and rope piece)
(16-21) Cuyler Remick
(28) Dylan DeWitt
(29-36) Jaret Vadera
(37-40) Leslie Smith
(41) Katayoun Vaziri
(42) Hector Mendoza (chair floor piece), Kate Mangold (hanging ball and mat and floor ball and rope), Scott Andresen (right wall pieces)
(43-44) Kate Mangold
(45) Kate Mangold (chair piece), Katayoun Vaziri (pink boxes)
(46) Katayoun Vaziri
(47) Kate Mangold
(48-52) Scott Andresen
(53) David Antonio Cruz
(54-60) Didier William
Editor details
Last edited by: Sandra Burns
Edit access: Everybody